Thursday, June 28, 2018

How hot is it?

People are moving down to Arizona in the summer to cool off!

So that's what it is!

It's a wellness center next to a wellness center? I knew the rumors, but you never know till the sales office is up! It looks great. The program core is based on medical philosophy! (I think)The cost should be interesting!

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Wonderfull or....

are you NUTS, $$$41000 for upgrade of Nature Trail. It looks fine to me. It's NOT a waste of money, but there must be somewhere else in town that could use this amount of funds!

The trail is fine'

Sunday, June 17, 2018

The Town Cryer....

Somebody tell the store manager of the Sycamore Jewel to get off  his butt! TRUE STORY, today we went there and spent a ton of money, again while trying to check out, all the registers were open, there was ONLY one bagger! The lines were packed and the checkers were over work! Someone should have called for HELP! 

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Ain't it the TRUTH!

Heater breaks on Christmas Day, air conditioner does work the first day over 90 degrees and the car won't start on the busiest of YOUR life. Thank God for Bill White CAR HOSPITAL!! They came thru AGAIN, excellent customer service, fair pricing, and a quick turn a round!

Friday, June 8, 2018

Well they're GONE!

No more barb wire, no more Dekalb Ag, no more Monsanto, the one institute to continue to thrive is NIU, founded in 1895. Think about it! If not for NIU, where would Dekalb be?!?!


The food stores ad's are pretty weak after Memorial Day! Go EAT out! TREAT yourself and your family.
I hear a lot of good about Club 64, Pizza Pros, PJ's, Lincoln Inn. I never hear people talking about ANYWHERE on Sycamore Road!

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Tip of the DAY!

Many of the local churches have EXCELLENT programs for the kids, check them out.

The Dekalb Town Cryer!

I like just said. We spent a ton of money at HyVee. We are old people! The baggar did a good job putting the stuff in the bags. Than looks at us to transfer the loaded bags to the cart! This NOT the first time or the only food store to do this!.WHERE is the customer service!

GREAT job Dekalb county!

Heading over to HyVee to get a ton of stuff to grill, I saw walking, biking and out door swimming!

Saturday, June 2, 2018

True story...

...came home from work and the wife informs me, hey the girl friends a coming over. Immediately I looked for a open window. I have two health club memberships. One is a family "big box" non profit. and the other Fitworkz. For some reason the "big box" closes at 6pm on Saturday. The other gym is 24/7, just like Anytime Fitness and the Sycamore Park District (I hear).

So THANK YOU FITWORKZ for the road out of the house!

Swimming is for EVERYONE!

Both Dekalb and Sycamore Park Districts offer summer swim lessons for all levels of ability and fees!

Friday, June 1, 2018


Now this is FUN!

ENERGYM in Sycamore offers giant impact on mental, physical and your child's fun meter, CHECK THEM OUT! 

Kids LOVE summer!

Dekalb County offers tons and tons of excellent activities and fun. Check out ALL the Park Districts. There is GREAT information in the news papers. Talk to other parents.

Make sure that the activities are MORE than a baby sitting service!

It's the WEEKEND! TIP yet!

Jewel Foods has eggs for 49 cents, limit two!