Sunday, January 27, 2019

Mayo Clinic Minute: An exercise to slow your spinning mind


Nutella contains 70% saturated fat and processed sugar by weight.  A two-tablespoon (37 gram) serving of Nutella contains 200 calories including:
  • 99 calories from 11 grams of fat (3.5g of which are saturated)
  • 80 calories from 21 grams of sugar
In addition, the spread contains 15mg of sodium and just two sad little grams of protein per serving. Now given that I am a huge advocate of fat fuelling your morning, the fat content in here wouldn't be a problem if it were from a clean source. Modified palm oil, however, is far from clean. It is one of the more toxic and damaging types of fats we can consume. And don't even get me started on that amount of sugar.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

How and Why Prostate Cancer Treatment Affects Men’s Lives

Why Triceps Kickback is NOT a "good" Exercise

I did not know that!

At a temperature of 30 degrees (F), one pound of salt (sodium chloride) will melt 46 pounds of ice. But, as the temperature drops, salt's effectiveness slows to the point that when you get down near 10 degrees (F) and below, salt is barely working.Jan 8, 2017

Friday, January 25, 2019

I can't believe I am saying this BUT...

Blain's Farm and Fleet had the BEST deals this WEEK! 

PLEASE Listen up!

The cold weather is HERE!...keep your kids at HOME! reason to go to ANY youth programs...ANYWHERE!...the flu season is NOT over!

Sunday, January 20, 2019

First time at HERE!

I have direct experience in gyms of ALL kinds! This is a true Wellness Center that maximizes opportunities in health, fitness and longevity!

Almost futuristic environments that are safe and welcoming.

Plenty of room.


Friday, January 11, 2019

Never Buy Car Parts From This Place

Driving to JEWEL!

Yes, I look at ALL the ad's...Jewel had the sales I am looking for, but Hyvee has a GREAT sales on bananas!

This isn't good!

DeKALB – After four decades, Fitworkz is closing its doors for the last time next month.Ray 

This is what happens when a BIG BOX Health complex comes to town!

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Why Not to Buy a Certified Pre-Owned Car

I did not know that!

The cost of a 10 minute shower is:132.475 liters, multiplied by the cost per heated liter of water $.0146612, or $1.9424 for the average ten-minute shower in Minneapolis, MN. If one person showered once a day for ten minutes the cost for one month (30 days) would equal: $58.27 per month.

internet search...